
APA Formatting Tips for Dissertation

February 7th, 2020 by

Are you a student of psychology? Or writing a paper in the field of psychology? Then APA Format is the format you need to follow. You need to list down the References used and you might need to go for an APA Dissertation Editing too, to deliver a world class research paper. There are other tips also to complete a dissertation in APA format correctly, which we will cover later in this article.

This style is quite different from the others and the guidelines of this type of papers are also different from others. This guideline may not match with the guidelines in which you would have produced earlier dissertations. 

This style of formatting may take a while to learn, so the best you can do for yourself right now is choose a English Editing Company.

APA FORMATTING: American Psychological Association  has prescribed a style in which all the citations in the field of psychological, social sciences and education should be cited and is the official style of American Psychological Association. The basic guidelines of APA were first published in an article titled, Psychological Bulletin in the year 1929 which later got expanded in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual.

The Major Sections of APA Format and Basic Tips to have a Perfect Dissertation:

APA Style has 4 important sections: 

  1. Title Page.
  2. Abstract.
  3. Main Body.
  4. References.

Let us understand the basics related to APA Format Dissertation prescribed in the 6th Edition of the APA Manual.

  • Taking 1-inch margins from the four sides of a paper, make use of 8.5×11 inch paper.
  • Starting with the APA Title page, consequently number the pages in the right corner of the header.
  • Make use of fonts like Courier or Times New Roman, keeping the font size to 12 (for a clean and simple line, sans serif can also be used).
  • Keeping the right margin ragged, justify the text on to the left.
  • Double spacing between two paragraphs is recommended.
  • After all punctuation marks, use a space.
  • Make use of precise and short sentences.
  • Make use of active voice, avoid using passive voice.
  • Do not make use of biased language.
  • Do not make use of flowery language.

Once the basic rules are clear, we can now go on to the basic tips of APA Dissertation Editing: 

  1. Check out for the headings used: As most of the research styles use different fonts and sizes, it is confusing when it comes to APA format. Thus, taking a look at your dissertation is a wise decision, checkout for the font size to be Courier or Times New Roman and the size to be at least 12. 
  1. Checkout for any biased language: Making use of biased language in your dissertation is prohibited in APA Format. Thus look out for any biased language or sentence and evade it.
  1. Checkout for use of Capital letters: Many researchers or students conducting research in APA format for the first time may not be familiar where and when to use a capital letter. Make use of the following tips to ensure proper use of capital letters in your dissertation:
  • If Major words in your title, subtitles and headings are more than 4, make use of capital letters.
  • The names of courses and departments should be mentioned in capital letters.
  • Hypotheses and theories should not be in capital letters.
  1. Checkout for the numbers used: The numbering in your dissertation should be as per the guidelines of APA Format. The guidelines for using numbers in APA Format are:
  • Common fractions and common expressions should be spelled.
  • If a sentence starts with a number, it should not be numeric. It needs to be spelled.
  • If the numbers are below ten, spell out ( “seven categories” and not “ 7 categories). If numbers are above ten, numbers can be used. ( 14 categories).
  • Do not make use of the percentage sign (%) in texts, using the percentage sign in tables is accepted.
  1. Checkout for Tables, Figures and Charts: Any table or chart used in your dissertation must adhere to the guidelines of APA Format. Guidelines are :
  • Tables should be numbered consequently. And use of alphabets should be avoided such as “Table 1a”, “Table 1b”.
  • The table should be labelled with the contents in the table and numbering should be consequent.
  • For easy reading of the reader, name your rows and columns.
  • When the numbers are less than one make use of zero (“0.37” and not “.37”).

APA Dissertation Editing is not a simple task, it is always beneficial to have an expert like Edit n Publish by your side. Your mentor may not be able to always provide their assistance as they may have other responsibilities too, but we assure you that we will. 

We would love to help you achieve your goal. Our help will not only be restricted to the editing of your dissertation but we will also provide you with other facilities too. Professionals who are experts in english check for your grammar, language and whether all the guidelines of APA Manual are maintained or not.

With English Editing Company, like Edit N Publish you will receive:

  • Correction of grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes and typing errors, an entire edited document will be provided.
  • Suggestions related with the flow, structure and readability of the dissertation.
  • Your paper will be edited and provided with clarity, as in what changes have been made.
  • On time delivery.

With everything assured, the most important thing is that you can totally rely on us, as your dissertation will be kept confidential and not be shared with anyone for any reason. 
Have a query? Write to us at: Contact us 

A Sneak Peek to Top 6 Types of Peer Review Processes

November 29th, 2019 by
Peer review is a collaborative process where the academic authors obtain constructive feedback to proceed with their piece of writing. Peer reviewing, regarded as a quality measure tool for manuscript, evaluates manuscript for its suitability for specific publication.Despite its flaws and complexity, peer review is large relied upon in the field of research. According to a report, about 90% of respondents stated that the quality of their manuscript improved considerably through peer review process. 

Benefits of peer review process

  • The main advantage of peer review process is that it establishes the validity of the research and prevent fake works from being published within an area of study.
  • It provides valuable feedback and offers scope for further improvement of a section or entire manuscript.
  • Allows journals to choose relevant, precise and important findings for publication. 
  • Upholds the quality of the work and the scientific knowledgebase
Today, peer review is the best technique to measure the quality of the manuscript. When the manuscript is submitted to the journals, the reviewers scrutinise the piece of writing for originality and scientific reliability.
  • While performing peer review process, the reviewers ensure that the manuscript adds value to the existing knowledge base. The reviewers check if it adds new knowledge or expand the existing knowledge? Does the manuscript provide scope for scientists or policy makers? Is the manuscript submitted to the appropriate journal?
  • The reviewers also check if the research question is defined appropriately, the chosen study design is apt and has potential to obtain answers to the research question, and participants are adequately described. They also scrutinise if the results clearly mentioned, does the conclusion and interpretation focus on the data? Are the references relevant? and does the abstract and summary reflect the manuscript?
Peer review, forming the base of niche manuscript, are classified into 6 types. 

Single blind review 

This type of peer review is the most common process in the scientific journals. Here, the identity of the reviewer is not disclosed to the author, but the reviewer has information pertaining to the author. This enables reviewers to provide genuine feedback to the author. Also, by knowing who the author is, the reviewer can use the previous knowledge of the author. However, there are a few drawbacks of single blind review process such as gender or nationality discrimmination. Also, the knowledge of reviewer may overshadow the work leading to insufficient scrutiny.

Double blind review 

In double blind review, neither the reviewer has the author information nor the author has details regarding the reviewer. This will lead to fair and unbiased review results. Also, both author and reviewer can avoid criticism from each other. Some of the cons of this type of review is that the reviewer may not end up providing informed judgement. Also, the anonymity of the author isn’t guaranteed as the reviewer might discover the identity by looking at the writing style or topic of research. 

Open review

Here, the identity of the reviewer and author is known to all participants. This type of peer review is not used by many journals. In open peer review, the journals publish the reviews along with the final piece of writing to enable the readers to view the comments. The transparency of this peer review type enhances accountability and improves the quality of the work. However, some reviewers might disagree to provide feedback due to concern about being identified. They may also criticize the work of the senior researchers.  

Transferable review

This is relatively a new form of peer review. Here, the journals (subject-related) transfer the reviewed manuscripts between them. The author submits a manuscript to a journal, which is reviewed by the concerned authorities and then is transferred to the suitable journal (on author’s permission). This type of review provides the author with an alternate option for publication. The drawbacks of this type of review are: the reviewers at receiving journal might wouldn’t want to accept more submissions or might decide that the manuscript is not suitable to their journal. 

Collaborative review

As the name suggests, group of reviewers will work together on a manuscript. This is done through two approaches. In the first approaches two or more reviewers scrutinise the manuscript and offer unified feedback. Whereas, in the second approach, one or more reviewer discusses the scope of improvement with the author. This type of review is more constructive. However, the benefit of individual evaluation is obtained in this type of review. 

Post publication review 

In this type of peer review, the option for revision of manuscript continues even after the publication. It takes the form of comments or discussion page alongside the published manuscript. This approach give an opportunity to improve the writing even after publishing and reflects the evolution of the knowledge. However, if the topic is controversial, the manuscript might attract large number of comments which cannot be moderated many a time.Peer review is a lengthy process and involves many stages. To know more about the steps involved in this process, visit

A Brief Guide to top 5 Clustering Methods in Data Mining

October 30th, 2019 by
Research involves working with vast amounts of data (structured & unstructured). Although structured data can be assessed without grouping them, unstructured data must be segregated into logical groups prior to analyzing them. This is exactly where the clustering methods is used. Clustering methods, also known as the data segmentation method, is the process of grouping specific data depending on their similarities and characteristics. In data mining, this approach segregates the data (using a special join algorithm) that are best suited for data analysis. The clustering process allows an element to be a part of a cluster. This is known as soft clustering. However, in hard clustering, the element is not allowed to be a part of the cluster. To effectively perform the clustering, several factors should be taken into account. 
  • Scalability – Highly scalable clustering algorithms are required to manage large databases. 
  • High & low dimensionality – The clustering algorithm must be able to handle both low and high dimensional space. 
  • Interpretability – The clustering outcomes must be comprehensible, interpretable and usable. 
  • Determination of clusters with attribute shape – The algorithm must be able to discover clusters of arbitrary shape and must not be bounded only to the distance measures. 
  • Ability to handle various types of attributes – Clustering algorithm must be flexible enough to be applied to any kind of data including categorical, numerical and binary data. 
Based on the cluster models, different types of clustering methods can be applied to the set of data. However, the choice of the type of clustering solely depends on the features of the data set. 

Centroid-based Clustering method 

In this type of clustering, every cluster is referenced by the vector of values. Here, each element is the part of the cluster whose difference value is minimum when compared to other clusters. This clustering method is close to classification subjects and can be used to solve optimization issues. However, the drawback of the centroid-based method is that it requires the clusters to be pre-defined. 

Density-based Clustering method 

This type of clustering algorithm is based on the high density of data participants. That is, the clusters are formed according to the high density of the participants of a set of data in a given location. This is achieved by aggregating some distance notions to standard density levels to group the participants in clusters. The major drawback of the density-based approach is it does not perform well in determining the limit areas of the group. 

Grid-based Clustering method 

As the name suggests, the elements form a grid. This type of clustering method utilizes a multiresolution grid data structure. Grid-based clustering technique takes space-driven method by partitioning the embedding spaces into cells that are independent of input objects distribution. It differs from the conventional type of clustering as it deals with the value space and not data points. The advantage of the grid-based method is it can be applied to any attribute type and offers flexibility pertaining to the level of granularity. 

Partitioning-based Clustering method 

This type of clustering method segregates the data into several subsets. For instance, if a database of ‘n’ elements is given. The partition method then creates ‘k’ partition data. Here, each partition is represented as a cluster and ask ≤ n. This implies that the data is classified into ‘k’ groups, which then satisfies requirements such as (A)inclusion of at least one element in a group and (B) affiliation of each element to only one group. Some of the points to consider while using this clustering method are: (a)  for a given number of partitions, the partitioning approach will develop initial partitioning. (b) it uses iterative relocation strategy to enhance the partitioning by moving elements from one group to another.

Hierarchical-based Clustering method 

This type of clustering develops a hierarchical decomposition of given data sets. Based on the hierarchical decomposition, this type of clustering is divided into agglomerative and divisive clustering approach. An agglomerative method, also known as a bottom-up approach, begins with each element forming a separate group. The elements or groups keep merging thereafter. The divisive approach, called a top-down method, begins with all elements in the same group. The group/cluster is then split into smaller clusters in the continuous iteration. Clustering algorithms, an essential factor of data mining, finds its application in several areas, including pattern recognition, market research, image processing, categorize genes, and many more. 

Unsupervised Learning: Get an Insight into Top 3 Learning Techniques in Deep Learning

September 28th, 2019 by
Deep Learning is gaining popularity among Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data scientist community. With growing time, it has become of the love of data lovers across the globe. However, of late, researchers have begun to question if deep learning is the future of Artificial Intelligence. Today, although supervised learning (a deep learning technique) has an upper hand in the industry, it is unsupervised learning that enables the researcher to find the unknown trends and design in the data. The main goal of unsupervised learning is to allow the model and to discover insights & patterns on its own. Unsupervised learning recognises commonalities in the underlying data and reacts on the basis of the presence of commonalities in the dataset.  For example, let’s consider a baby and its pet cat. In a few weeks, the baby identifies all the features two eyes, ears nose and play with the cat. A few days later a family friend visit and gets his cat and the baby was able to recognize that this pet is similar to his pet due to similar features but knew that cat was different from his cat. This is a clear example that it learns and discover the structure by itself.  With that said, unsupervised learning are of 3 types. Here’s a detailed look at each of them. 
  • Clustering
Clustering involves searching for the pattern and trends of categorized data. These algorithms process the data and find clusters or groups of same features. Groups of data are formed by using a clustering algorithm so as to classify the data in specific groups. All the data points have the same properties, and features in the same group, whereas different groups have unique properties or characteristics.The popular types of clustering we use are:
  • K-Means Clustering – clustering your data points within a k-number of mutually exclusive clusters. A lot of complexity encompasses how to select the right number (K).
  • Hierarchical Clustering – a technique used to cluster the data points into the origin and minor clusters. You might split your consumers between fresher and more experienced ones, and then divide all of these groups into individual clusters.
  • Probabilistic Clustering – a technique that is used to cluster all the data points using a probabilistic scale.
 Clustering techniques are an easy yet powerful technique as they require intensive effort to give us a very relevant insight from our data. In that capacity, it’s been utilized in numerous applications for a considerable length of time including, for hereditary and species gathering, therapeutic imaging, statistical surveying, for understanding the multiple collections of organizations, clients dependent on individual traits, etc.
  • Autoencoders
In Machine Learning (ML), there includes certain conditions where feature representations or image that are just too huge to handle. Autoenodes is a technique in which we use neural networks for the same.For instance, consider you are using face recognition application and would like to save all the templates of a person’s face in your data warehouse for future reference. To keep the colour image of the person of 168×168,  we would have to keep 168 * 168 * 3 float values for each face! Here the storage space required will be huge. This is when autoencoders come into the picture. With an autoencoder, we can encode features which takes less space, while representing the same data.However to work this out, it is a must to train a neural network to predict its input. While doing so, note that the middle layer of the autoencoder will have fewer features than input and output. 
  • Expectations-Maximization algorithms
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithms have a set of iterative approaches meant to determine the parameters of various statistical models to explicitly model data. For example, consider a Gaussian distributed data and you require to find the best parameters for a Gaussian to model it. An Expectation-Maximization algorithm enables you to automatically determine the Gaussian parameters like mean and variation in every directionIn an EM algorithm, we shift within the Expectations(E) step and a Maximization (M) step. The E step uses the current parameters to develop a statistical model which can be applied to your data.Although it is quite challenging to implement unsupervised learning techniques, doing so can do wonders. Some of the benefits of unsupervised learning techniques are: 
  • Unsupervised learning algorithm helps to find all kinds of trends and unknown pattern in the underlying data. 
  • The algorithms help to discover all kinds of features that could be useful for categorization.
  • The input data can be analyzed and labelled in real-time in presence of learners.
  • It is always easy to get unstructured and unlabeled data than the labelled as it needs manual intervention.
Though unsupervised learning has several advantages, it includes a few drawbacks such as lack of accountability in AI, plenty of data lakes, etc. Thus even with the recent success of this process, it isn’t recommended by industry experts. However, we can expect it to be omnipresent in the near future.

10 tips on How to Pen Down a Manuscript for Psychology Journal Publication

August 30th, 2019 by
Preparing a manuscript for a major psychology journal publication can be a daunting task for everyone, from first-time authors to even experienced researchers. However, all authors need is just a bit of help in preparing their manuscript in the best possible manner as required by prominent psychology journals. The process of submitting manuscripts varies a little from one journal to another. However, there are some standard practices to follow when submitting your work to a publication.

Listed below are ten tips that will help you prepare the best manuscript possible

Nail The Abstract Of Your Manuscript

The author usually waits for the last minute to prepare this section, but this is usually the first section that a typical reader sees. The abstract can be difficult to write because the author has to summarize an entire paper in no more than a few hundred words. A good abstract is accurate, autonomous, non-evaluative, consistent and legible. In addition, it is designed to address two important functions. Firstly, once the article is published, it may be the only part of the study that is read by most researchers. Many scan the summary to decide whether the paper is worth reading or not. Secondly, with the development of electronic search systems, magazine readers have begun to increasingly rely on abstract services to identify relevant documents. The best way to nail your abstract is to begin working on it early on, in every project.

Capture Readers’ Attention With A Captivating Introduction

A solid introduction captivates readers and provides a context for the study. In presenting the research topic, every author must clearly explain why the problem merits further research, placing the study in the context of current knowledge and previous theoretical and empirical work on the subject, in the form of a short, engaging introduction!

Pay Close Attention To The Length Of Your Manuscript

Journal editors generally work with a limited number of assigned research papers. This number is determined at the beginning of the year of publication. Space is valuable, and a manuscript should not contain more than 30 to 35 typed double-spaced pages, inclusive of relevant tables, figures, and references. Editors and reviewers regularly review the length of various sections, especially the introduction and discussion sections. As an author, it is vital that you pay heed to the balance in the length of individual sections within your manuscript. Use words carefully and make every word count.

Use Relevant Stats & Figures To Better Elucidate Your Point

Readers often tend to acquire a clearer understanding of a research paper with the help of the tables and figures used within. The heart of the study is often found in these compact sources. All authors should, therefore, pay close attention to stats. The best tables and figures are those that are structured according to the style of the APA, are clear and isolated with legends, and also complement rather than duplicate the information offered in the text itself.

Keep Things Simple

A good manuscript is always easy to understand. Sometimes the main reason for psychology journal reviewers and editors rejecting an article is that they find it hard to understand. The importance of clear and concise communication in scholarly writings cannot be emphasized enough. Writing is hard work. However, it is possible to follow some basic guidelines to facilitate good writing. These include –

Choose The Most Appropriate Style For Your Manuscript

The style of scholarly manuscripts may refer to various aspects of the writing technique.  Authors who are preparing to submit a manuscript will want to take a close look at the APA editorial style, for rules on capitalization, italics, abbreviations, the structure of headers, etc. It is also crucial to avoid language bias, which is especially important in the case of sensitivity to concerns such as participants’ mental illness and cultural background. A solid manuscript will demonstrate the author’s mastery of writing in the academic genre of a research article. a) the methodical expression of ideas, b) the fluidity of expression, c) precision/clarity of words, and d) correct grammar.

Think About The Finer Details Of Your Manuscript

In addition to the style requirements discussed above, a well-crafted manuscript also conforms to the minor technical aspects that most psychology journal publications require authors to adhere to. Authors should carefully re-read their manuscripts for typographical and spelling errors before submitting them for publication. Reviewers and writers generally go through multiple manuscripts and are quite strict, even with the most minute mistakes. Even minor mistakes can cloud an otherwise phenomenal research paper.

Use References Wisely

With regards to using references, it is important for authors to be as economical as possible, because space is limited, and also use the best, most recent, and most relevant sources available. Reviewers/editors tend to challenge manuscripts that do not cite relevant studies and rely too often on unpublished works. The authors should also make sure that references are consistent with the APA editorial style.

Think About All Pertaining Ethical Guidelines

When planning and preparing a manuscript, authors should refer to the “Psychologist’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct” and all pertaining ethical guidelines of the institution where the research was conducted. The APA Code of Ethics requires that authors ensure the approval of the concerned institutional review committees and obtain the informed consent of all participants. Compliance with these requirements should be noted in the ‘Method’ section.

Perform Multiple Revisions Before Submitting Your Manuscript

Even the most experienced authors submit their completed manuscripts only after considerable editing and re-editing. Until you have gained some experience in technical writing, you must plan on performing multiple revisions to your manuscript.All successfully submitted psychology research manuscripts usually have a number of elements in common. These ten tips are guaranteed to help authors in preparing concise, high-quality manuscripts fit to be published in any top psychology journal publication in the globe.

10 Great Tips for Good Editing to make your Good Research Great

July 31st, 2019 by
The internet is literally flooded with information on how you should edit a document. But if you have been in academics for some time, you would probably know that academic writing is no way similar to the otherwise casual, or creative writing like this one here.

Academic editing precisely needs sheer perfectionism to be transformed into an approval-ready or publishing-worthy writing. With the advancements in research and increasing expectations from the academic fraternity all across the globe, the standards of academic writings are on a historic high. 100% error-free, which in concrete terms, stands for zero grammatical mistakes, perfect verbose, academic sense of appeal and style, and an overall research-inducing tone.

According to a recent survey conducted among the scholars from 10 universities across the states, about 46% reported that they faced issues while doing their final editing for research documents. This owes primarily to too many feedbacks from supervisors and overlapping tips available online as editing guides.

Following is a compiled list of expert-suggested tips and tricks for attaining writing worth academic attention and appreciation at the same time:

a) Stick to the Research theme while Tweaking your Introduction & conclusion chapters

You are bound to face a lot of distractions while you screen through literature sources for penning down your introduction sections, with several new directions being introduced for your research topic. But beware and stick to your theme. Same holds true for your editing stage as well.

b) Ensure Referencing throughout your Research Methodology Section

Citing other people’s work or ideas is a must in academic writing. And, while editing your document keep in mind not to miss out on any reference space; any and every idea must be cited.

c) Do not Play around with Numbers and Figures while you Edit your data Analysis/Results chapter

Statistics, numerical data, and other values mentioned in the text must not be changed or approximated. While editing your data analysis chapter, be careful of keeping the intended meaning intact.

d) Once you have used your Set of Eyes, feel free to use another Pair 

There are several expert-led service providers who deliver niche Dissertation Proposal Editing Services for high-end academic documents. It is a wise decision to opt for such services to give your document an extra edge.

e) Technology helps (quite a lot!) at times

Do not hesitate from using any online software for proofreading/editing parts of your document. Not only do they mark out your linguistic errors, but some tools like Grammarly also check your plagiarism for free.

f) Be sure you remove all major pain points for your supervisors

Some supervisors are sure to lay great focus on your choice of methodology and its justifications, while others may require a great data analysis chapter to top the list of priorities, yet some others will mandate APA-referenced bibliography section. Get hold of your supervisor’s choices/preferences right from the beginning of your academic journey to ease out the process.

g) Maintain a record of all edits made for a quick review of what’s done and what’s not 

Follow a systematic process for editing your research, too much editing is also deteriorating, while too little will also do no good. Edit as per latest standards followed in your subject stream, language rules and university-laid guidelines (if any). Further, ensure that you prepare a corrections/edits sheet well in advance to keep track of changes made for future reference.

h) Edit your abstract at the very end 

A short but crisp glimpse of your entire research, the research abstract must be comprehensive, well-written and to the point. It must only reveal a screenshot of the entire story that succeeds it rather than spilling all the beans. Therefore, it is suggested by most research experts that the abstract must be edited once you have completed your results, analysis and conclusion section.

i) Ensure linguistic excellency 

To convey your intended message across the research (and other) fraternity, your editing skills must be upbeat with the latest grammar & language rules. Pay extra attention to typos, spelling, word usage, clarity, logical flow, sentence structure, etc. to gain the advantage of English Editing Company which help you in impeccable English writing.

A take-home lesson is that editing is as essential as a pinch of salt to your favorite dish. An unedited document makes little or no sense and does not fulfill the purpose at all.  While an edited document can add those extra stars to your otherwise mediocre research writing. Well-Edited writing speaks volumes about the researcher’s academic know-how, subject knowledge, and linguistic skills.

A Comprehensive Guide to Writing an Analytical Dissertation

July 2nd, 2019 by
At a certain point in an academic journey, Universities demand scholars pin down a dissertation. Dissertation plays a vital role in a PhD degree as it involves evaluation, organization, composition of the data and describes the critical thinking and knowledge of a scholar in a specific field. Dissertations are of many types including argumentative, expository, etc. However, the popular one is an analytical dissertation.Before taking a dip into writing an analytical dissertation, it is a must for a scholar to know the significance of this kind of dissertation. An analytical paper is not merely a summary of the concepts/ideas. It analyzes the issue and draws a conclusion based on the evaluation.It begins with a description of the dissertation question and identifies an element that is evaluated throughout the dissertation. This type of dissertation should express neutrality and not positive or negative opinions.

Get started with crafting an analytical dissertation

While writing any dissertation is a daunting task, penning down an analytical one is even harder. Unlike any other type or usual dissertation, this type demands strong analytical skills without which you cannot write a great chapter. Some of the elements required to write a high-quality analytical dissertation are:

a) Come up with an impressive introduction

Ever read an introduction section that made you want more of a text? You need to develop an introduction more like it. However, rather than infusing questions and exclamations in your introduction and confusing your target reader, include an engaging beginning statement that will captivate the audience.It should have three crucial elements: a hook, dissertation statement, and a brief explanation on how the statement is proven in the body. The hook must be an interesting or surprising statement which can be written using a controversial or usual statement, rhetorical question, or some relevant statistics.

b) Body paragraphs

The body of an analytical must include: topic sentence, claim, and proofs that support the claim. The topic sentence of each paragraph must cover the specific aspects of the topic statement whereas the claim should dive into a particular area of the topic sentence.Include evidence from the relevant sources to support your claim and also mention the key reasons for the selection of the sources without which your analytical dissertation might end up as a summary. This is so because it lets you join the dots between the pieces of evidence and the topic sentence. If you have already incorporated the evidence but didn’t mention the key reasons for its selection, take help from editors offering dissertation editing services and infuse them.

c) Wind up

End your analytical dissertation on a high note. Conclude by reminding your reader how you supported your claim. If possible you can also describe how your argument connects to the real world.A killer analytical dissertation will help you achieve higher grades in your PhD degree. Hence ensure that it is organized and is error-free. If you haven’t structured the chapters in an apt manner and need any assistance in structuring/organizing them, take help from editors providing dissertation editing services.

5 Tried and Tested Copy Editing Tips for Converting your Average Thesis into a Compelling One

April 24th, 2019 by
No matter how novel and unique is your content, errors like content inconsistency, content/ sentence repetitions, grammatical and punctuation mistakes can grab the attention of the readers and can create a negative image about your research document. To avoid such a situation, one must copy edit his/her research document and ensure it is flawless and perfect.

Why Copy Editing Tips are Essential

The common question among scholars is, why it is mandatory to copy edit the thesis? Is it that important? The answer is yes. By copy editing the thesis you can ensure that
  1. Language and style used is consistent
  2. Idioms and phrases are aptly used
  3. There is content consistency throughout the thesis
  4. There are no errors in grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc
5 Tried and Tested Copy Editing Tips for Converting your Average Thesis into a Compelling One

Often scholars end up messing their thesis while copy editing. To help such scholars out, we have conducted a survey among the organization offering PHD Editing Services and have come up with handy and tested copy editing tips that have the potential to transform an ordinary thesis into an enthralling work.

Check for references and citations 

While copy editing your thesis check for citations in the reference section. Take a hard copy of this section and highlight each citation thereby ensuring that there are no extra or any of the reference has not been missed out. Also, make your that the reference listed are accurate. You can make use of online resources like Google scholar to ensure accuracy.

Check for figures and tables

Pay close attention to the tables, figures, charts, and graphs as the overall presentation of your thesis depend on these aspects. Hence it becomes important to check the accuracy, alignment, and consistency of the included table, figures, headings, etc. If required to enhance their appearance, you can take help from editors offering PhD editing services. They include a cell of the table for the data point, note, etc. and make your thesis look perfect.

Check for missing and unwanted content

While writing the thesis you might have included certain contents which you felt was important at that point of time. But on the completion of the thesis writing process, you may learn that many of the content you have included are unnecessary. Make sure you remove such contents from your thesis. Also, in a hurry to complete the thesis you might have missed out several key contents without which your thesis would make no sense. Thoroughly go through the text and make sure you have included the significant contents.

Check for content consistency

Accidentally you might have left a sentence or section incomplete. Check for such incomplete sentence/ sections. Make sure the capitalization, spelling, hyphenation, italics, font, and quotation marks are included appropriately and are consistent throughout the text.

Check for the common errors

No matter how proficient you are in English language and its rules, during the thesis writing process you will end up committing minor to major mistakes. But copy editing gives you an opportunity to set such errors right. Carefully go through each sentence and check for dissertation formatting service, grammatical, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.If you wish to submit a flawless thesis and see your supervisor have nothing but all praises for you, copy edit your thesis now! If you need some assistance do not hesitate to take help from expert editors offering PhD editing services.

5 Must Know Graphic Designs for a Start Up

April 9th, 2019 by
Graphic designs play a vital role in the modern advertising platform and have become an integral part of the business, marketing, magazines, etc. Graphic design can be considered as a tool through which you can convey your ideas effectively and enhance communication with the users. It summarises your ideas, sends a message of professionalism and sets you apart from the crowd.

Now, the most frequently asked question is, how can a graphic design service make a difference to your start-up?
Without an excellent graphic design, a company will not be able to highlight its product and increase its customer base, which ultimately affects the business and profitability of a company. The well designed graphic design seeks to attract the attention of a massive amount of people and help in boosting up sales, establishing a business name, thereby helping them maximize the profitable base of the business. Especially if you are a start-up, an excellent graphic design can do a lot for your company. It can attract loyal customers, help you build your brand and witness your business reaching its deserved new heights.

Some of the latest and most popular graphic designs that are trending in the market are:
  • 3D images and text- When done right, 3D graphics can make the viewer feel like, they can reach out and touch them. By rendering text and images in 3D, you can make viewers’ brains register them as physical, palpable, touch and-pick-up-able. Any text can be made 3D, regardless of their font or style. The same can be done for objects or collections of objects. 3D designs have an added benefit of feeling futuristic, positioning your brand on the cutting edge.
  • Art Deco- Art deco is all about being as shiny and ornate. They are highly detailed and are glossy style. The think long, leggy letters in typography and shiny, metallic imagery with hard lines can add a feeling of luxuriousness to your website.
  • Mid-century modern- Mid-century modern design makes use of clear and clean lines, that are often juxtaposed against softer shapes. It also uses deliberate patterns to create a texture that makes up for the lack of other details. Mid-century modern is completely opposite to that of art deco. Here the form should follow the function, and any part of a design that doesn’t have any purpose need not be there.
  • Isometric words- Isometric design shows 3D objects in 2D. This happens through shading and angles that create a sense that you are looking at the object from a specific perspective. This type of design has a clean and simple personality that made flat design popular. When used to create objects and scenes, it gives a viewer a world that they can imagine themselves inhabiting.
  • Serif- This graphic design trend flies under the radar consciously. By making use of this font, you can easily grasp viewer attention, as they will see an unexpected font. Serif makes letters more recognizable and distinct thereby making the text easier to read.
You will never get a second chance to make the first impression. Get a new look to your website now and see the world talking about it.

Scholar Friendly Thesis Writing Process – 7 Do’s and Don’ts

March 29th, 2019 by
The process of thesis writing plays a vital role in a scholar’s academic career. Thesis lets you convey your thoughts/ ideas effectively to the reader if written in a good manner. Every word and phrase used in thesis writing must be of top quality, as a good thesis lets you climb the ladder and get one step closer to your PhD degree.

Though PHD Thesis Writing Services is a lengthy and time-consuming process, it is definitely a rewarding process.

Here are some do’s and don’ts that need to be considered while Writing a Thesis.
  1. 1. Write in an organized manner:- While writing a Thesis Writing, organize and present your data in a consistent manner. Your thesis should be presented in a logical flow as it allows the readers to follow your series of thoughts and understand your arguments better in a better manner. Planning and writing your thesis in an organized manner will also help you save a lot of time.
  2. 2. Acknowledge the original author:- Citation is very important in research mainly for two reasons: Firstly, it acknowledges and credits the original sources. Secondly, it allows the readers to trace the ideas that lead up to your research. Also, using sources without any proper citation and reference will lead to plagiarism, an important factor that leads to the rejection of the thesis.
  3. 3. Use consistent tense and active voice:- Communicate your ideas clearly and precisely. Always use direct and clear sentences. Be smart and choose present tense to convey your thoughts/ ideas rather than conveying your ideas in the past tense.
  4. 4. Talk to your advisor or review committee on the regular basis:- If you have any questions related to format, content, or deadlines, be sure to contact your thesis advisor or review committee at any time. Even if you are right on the track and know exactly what you are doing, or you are aware of the guidelines and rules set by your institution, be sure to check with your guide and update him/ her about your proceedings of your work.
  5. 5. Relax and plan your schedule:- Make a schedule of lab work or research time to help you to figure out what you need to get done and when it needs to be done.
  6. 6. Do not include unnecessary points:- Include relevant and to the point data is sufficient to frame your work and make your point. Don’t include anything that doesn’t answer the questions and exceed the recommended word count. As it gives an impression that you do not know systematize your findings.
  7. 7. Do not forget to provide solid evidence:- Do not forget to include solid evidence/ supporting material or related research done by the previous researchers; It augments and complements your thesis.
  8. 8. Do not plagiarize:- Avoid plagiarized content in your thesis. Take the necessary step to remove plagiarism (if present). Always proofread your thesis before submitting the thesis, as plagiarism leads to direct rejection of your thesis.
To conclude, the thesis writing process demands a lot of attention right from the writing the thesis statement to submission of the thesis. Pay close attention while writing your thesis and avoid unacceptable mistakes.