
Enhancing the Clarity of Your Research Writing: The Critical Role of Substantive Editing for Dissertations and Manuscripts explained in under 7 minutes

December 7th, 2022 by

During a prior conversation with a doctoral student, I enquired about the techniques for composing a captivating research paper.  The response was so impactful that it remains fresh in my mind while working on my PhD research paper. What exactly was the response? Allow me to elaborate.

He said, “The most important things to consider while writing a research paper is bringing clarity in mind and purity in heart”. I am not talking about Gaur Gopal Das, but without having clarity, you cannot complete your PhD research. Even if you complete it, it will not add any kind of value to the readers. Then I asked my friend, “How to bring clarity to your PhD research paper?” The answer still helps me write a high-quality research paper which is also engaging. 

The answer is Substantive editing. But what is it and how can it bring clarity to your research writing? This is what we are going to find out in this blog.

Substantive Editing

Substantive editing is a type of editing that focuses on the content and structure of a text. It involves analyzing and improving the coherence, organization, flow, and style of the text, as well as checking for consistency, accuracy, and clarity. The goal of substantive editing is to help the author communicate their message effectively and to ensure that the text is well-written and engaging for the intended audience.

Okay, now we have understood what Substantive Editing is but now let us understand its importance in creating a better dissertation and manuscript. Finally, we will understand how Substantive Editing helps in creating a better dissertation and manuscript.

Importance of Substantive Editing in dissertation and manuscript writing

Substantive editing is important in dissertation and manuscript writing because it helps to improve the quality and clarity of the written work. A well-edited dissertation or manuscript will be easier to understand and will make a better impression on readers, such as reviewers, editors, or academic committees. Substantive editing helps to:

  • Ensure the coherence and flow of the text: A substantive editor will check that the text is logically organized, easy to follow, and makes sense to the reader.
  • Check for accuracy and consistency: The editor will check for factual errors, and inconsistencies in the text, and ensure that the language used is appropriate and consistent throughout the document.
  • Improve clarity and style: Substantive editing will help to improve the writing style, tone, and language used in the text, making it more engaging and readable.
  • Enhance the overall quality of the work: A well-edited dissertation or manuscript will make a better impression on readers, increasing the chances of acceptance for publication or academic credit.

Overall, Substantive Editing is an essential step in the writing process that can greatly enhance the quality and impact of a dissertation or manuscript.

Now, we are intrigued by the use case of Substantive Editing in dissertation and manuscript writing. Now we also want to use it in our PhD dissertation and manuscript so that we can enhance clarity in our research writing. 

Now, while talking with my PhD friend, he gave me 5 steps to use Substantive Editing in dissertation and manuscript writing. Then I researched these steps before implementing them. Now, my research has helped me to come up with 8 steps which can help you to incorporate Substantive Editing in your PhD research.

Here are some steps to help you use substantive editing in dissertation and manuscript writing:

  • Identify areas for improvement: Before you begin the substantive editing process, identify areas in your work that need improvement, such as organization, flow, clarity, and consistency.
  • Set aside time to edit: Set aside enough time to thoroughly edit your work, taking into account the size and complexity of the document.
  • Use tools to help you edit: Consider using tools such as style guides, dictionaries, and grammar checkers to help you in the editing process.
  • Get feedback from others: Ask a trusted colleague, friend, or professional editor to review your work and provide feedback.
  • Review and revise the structure: Check that the overall structure of the text is logical, clear, and easy to follow. Make any necessary changes to improve coherence and flow.
  • Review and revise content: Check the accuracy of the content and make any necessary changes to improve clarity and consistency.
  • Review and revise style: Check the writing style, tone, and language used in the text. Make any necessary changes to improve readability and engagement.
  • Repeat the process as needed: Repeat the editing process as many times as necessary until you are satisfied with the quality and clarity of your work.

By following these steps, you can use substantive editing to improve the quality and impact of your dissertation or manuscript.

Finally, we can say that substantive editing plays a critical role in enhancing the clarity of research writing for dissertations and manuscripts. It is a process that goes beyond basic proofreading to focus on the overall organization, content, and tone of the writing. A substantive editor works with the author to make sure that the writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand, and that the content is presented logically and coherently. 

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How to win the last minute thesis writing league?

March 14th, 2022 by

Thesis plays a vital role in every research student’s life. However, without the blend of hard work and dedication, one cannot achieve better grades in his/her research journey. Writing a thesis is a long and never ending process. While some take months together to craft a thesis, others take a few weeks to complete their thesis. 

Writing a thesis is an arduous and tedious task; that is why most of the research scholars tend to put it off until the last moment. While it takes months to write a thesis proposal, in such a scenario how to write and complete a thesis just before the due date? Fret not if you are one among them who are struggling with the thesis writing process. To help you out with the last minute writing process, we have spilled the beans that can help you with the same.

  • Plan a schedule – The most critical thing to do before starting with the thesis writing process is to make a foolproof schedule. This will not just help give you a clear-cut idea as to how to start/continue with the writing task but will also keep you away from the unnecessary time-pass activities. Although creating a schedule is not a difficult task, we know that it is definitely a tough job to stick on to the schedule.
  • Divide the lengthy thesis into smaller bits -Divide your lengthy (humdrum) thesis into several smaller segments. This is because it is easy to work chunks rather than a prolonged thesis. Also, develop an outline as it will help you remain focused throughout on the most crucial aspects of your thesis.
  • Follow an organised approach – Since there are only a few days left for you to work on your thesis, allot a task for each day. I.e. one day can be devoted to collecting required materials and organising the structure of  the study, two days can be assigned to the writing process and a day can be kept aside for editing and proofreading your thesis.
  • Craft the introduction and conclusion section at last – Writing these two sections consumes a lot of time. Hence it is advisable to include them once the main body of the thesis is incorporated. ( However, if necessary, you can include a rough draft for these sections and polish them after the completion of other chapters)
  • Take help from the professionals – If you are not confident with completing your thesis at the nick of time, then do not give a try and ruin your study. Consider taking help from the professional writers. If you are wondering if it’s legal to take their help, the answer is a big ‘yes.’

Although it is nearly impossible to complete your thesis in the eleventh hour, if you have the fortitude to do it, then fold your sleeves and go for it.

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2. Tried and tested tips to convert your thesis into a book that sells

Completing a thesis is a crucial moment in every research scholars life. It’s a significant contribution to the existing knowledge in their field and is supposed to be their magnum opus. After putting in all your hard work into your thesis, isn’t it obviously hard for research scholars to imagine their perfectly crafted thesis not contributing to the society and plausibly is gathering dust on a shelf? But publishing a thesis is not an effortless task as a thesis in its purest form is never publishable.

Are you looking forward to rework your thesis into a book and get it published? However, reworking your thesis isn’t just about making a few changes in your thesis, but requires a lot more than mere revision. To help you out, we have enlisted fa ew proven hacks to transform your thesis into a publishable form document. 

  1. Rewrite the sections – First of all, prepare a new outline and start with the writing process all again. While rewriting, pay attention to complex and long sentences and ensure that they do not contain ideas which are repeated more than twice. Segment your paragraphs into bits ( length varying between 3 to 15 lines) and vary them between, say, three and twenty lines) and use passive & abstract nouns wherever necessary. 
  2. Focus on the center aspect of your thesis – Cull the important theme in your thesis and pen-down contents that are relevant to the crucial theme and eliminate too many technical jargons. Remember, if you want to publish your thesis as a book, then it shouldn’t target only subject specialists, but also non-specialists audience. 
  3. Aspects to be added – Most often the contribution that your thesis makes is found in its middle sections. In such a scenario, pare away the rest and include,
  • Coherence: Your book need to have an organic unity and must be bound together by a narrative thread. The added advantage of doing this is, by tracking down the trajectory of your argument, you can find out what materials are missing your book and add them if necessary.
  • Index – Although an index is not very important until the book is in production, adding it can be proved beneficial as your index can act as a ‘mind map’ of your study and help you find out entities & subentities that are missing in your book.

4. Aspects to be eliminated – There are many aspects in your thesis that need to be eliminated as it does not belong to a book. Such aspects to be reworked and chopped off. These include,

  • Quotations – Supporting your theory with the words of authority does not look elegant and sensible in a book. Hence it is better to paraphrase rather than including quotations. 
  • Tables – Tables can be proved troublesome as it can distract the reader’s attention. So try to summarise and rewrite the tables in a text form instead. 

Are you anticipating to build your career in the academic field? Then it is crunch time to convert your thesis into book and achieve your dreams.

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3. A comprehensive guide to Mann-Whitney test

Statistical test comprising a set of procedures including, data collection, organisation, analysis, and interpretation is an ordeal in every scholar life. Statistical tests are considered to be vital in research process as it refutes or supports the study hypothesis and a flawlessly conducted statistical test can help a research scholar acquire better grade in his/her research journey however, lack of knowledge about statistical tests is proved to be a stumbling block in a research journey. While there are many tests such as parametric, T-test, ANOVA etc which are quite popular, there are few tests which are crucial but are least considered. One such test is Mann-Whitney test.

Mann-Whitney test, a non-parametric test, also known as the Wilcoxon rank sum test, is a test that determines whether the two independent groups are alike from each other. This test is normally used either if the data  collected is ordinal or if the assumptions of the t-test are not met. 

Assumptions, working, benefits…..

Know the difference between Dissertation proposal vs prospectus

March 10th, 2022 by

Writing a dissertation can be a tough nut to crack, especially with all the complex steps as such. But, there are dissertation help services provided by third parties which ease the whole process. These services range from selection of Topic to  dissertation proofreading and PhD editing.

Most often dissertation proposal is considered to be similar to dissertation prospectus.  A dissertation proposal and a dissertation prospectus are similar in their basic objectives at some level but differentiate variably based on application and construction.

The key differences between Dissertation proposal and Dissertation Prospectus are as follows:


Dissertation Proposal

Dissertation Prospectus

What is

A dissertation proposal is a summary objectives and significance of research. It is submitted when required based on the program of research. It also includes power point presentations. One of the significant features of a proposal is it should include the deadline or an assumed time of completion of the research.A dissertation prospectus announces one is ready for their dissertation. It is based on research and it should be authentic, significant and publishable.

Length in pages



Involvement of Research Advisor, Dissertation Committee, sometimes a mentor and third parties.It is advised by and under the influence of dissertation committee or the Director of Doctorate of studies.


(Chapter 1)

Title Should be short and descriptive. Should carry the meaning of the research and preferably catch.Introduction Should pose a question based on the research, which haven’t been discussed yet but should be answerable. Should include a thesis statement answering the question and follows the structure of the dissertation.

(Chapter 2)

Abstract Review and critical acclamations of the

proposed research.

Literature review Should be written with the context of acquirement of scholarship, points should be discussed discussing it.

(Chapter 3)

Aim Covers the goal or objective of the research.Primary source Source based on which research is carried upon. One should try to keep the original language intact. Location and the availability of the sources must be discussed.

(Chapter 4)


It could be both present or not, based on the guidelines.

A scientific hypothesis demands to be tested.


The methodological approach to a dissertation should comply with Sources Existing scholarship situations

(Chapter 5)

Significance of the research Importance of research.Advancements needed in the current status of the field.Previous statements supported. Can include graphs or pictorial representations.

Chapter outline

Chapters should be arranged in a logical and ascending manner of study.

(Chapter 6)

Methods and experiments Testing hypothesis.Proposed experiments.Methods to be followed.Analysis performed.Should include contributors and their responsibilities.Bibliography Two sections. Primary sources Secondary scholarship The format should meet the guidelines of university or whoever is providing the grant.
(Chapter 7)

Preliminary data

Data obtained concerned to the proposal. Contributions mentioned.

(Chapter 8)
Conclusion Can include indicators proving hypothesis.Future experiments & Experimental data Can include diagrams and charts.
Bibliography Based on the format guidelines of Advisor or committee.

Sticking to the bigger picture, that is the main objective of the dissertation, is fruitful when it comes to writing both dissertation proposal and dissertation prospectus. One similarity between the two is their limitations. Both the proposal and prospectus shouldn’t deviate from their main objective to be concise and effective. 
Penning down a proposal & prospectus sounds like a tedious process (and it is), there are dissertation proposal editing services that could be sought and they work like associates to help complete the task in a concise and pristine manner.

‘A-Z’ citation style guide : Know the ‘bits’ and ‘pieces’ of the Harvard style

December 9th, 2021 by

Dissertation is an essential part of a research journey. While a research scholar gives his/her best to craft a dissertation, critical factor such as plagiarism can ruin the entire work. In the era of information economy, one can easily have access to plenty of resources. However, including the information without falling into the plagiarism trap is next to impossible. While there are methods like rewriting, using quotation etc to avoid plagiarism, the most popular among them is citing the sources. Today, many styles are available out there that is used to cite the sources, and one among them is Harvard style.

Harvard style, developed by Harvard University is used widely by the academicians across the globe. Although it could arguably be deemed to be the ‘common style,’ it is mainly used in social science, humanities, business, and some of the science subjects. Harvard style can be quite confusing especially if you are a newbie to the style. We, with the help of writers offering dissertation help service, have enlisted the guidelines to be followed while citing different kinds of sources. 

  1. Book – Citing a book is very simple in Harvard format. The basic format to be followed while citing a book is as follows:
    • The page number must be included only if you are summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting directly. (Lee 2005, p.45)
    • Bibliography details should be included in the following order: author’s surname and initial(s), year of publication, title of publication, edition (edn), publisher, place of publication
  2. Edited book collections – A book collection is a set of articles/chapters by different authors but are compiled by the editor(s).
    • To cite a specific article/chapter from edited book collection, cite the author(s) of the chapter in your text. (Lee 2005, p.45). However, if you want to cite the entire book collection, then refer to the editor(s) of the book collection in your text.         ( Bolton 2006)
    • Place the bibliography details in the following order:author’s surname and initial, year of publication, name of article, in, initial(s) and surname(s) of the editor(s), (eds) or (ed.), the name of the book collection, publisher, place of publication, page range
  3. Journal articles – To cite a journal article in print form,
    • Include the page numbers as you are paraphrasing, summarizing and quoting directly. (Lee 2005, p.49)
    • The bibliography details must be placed in the following order : Author’s surname and initial, year of publication, the title of the article, title of the journal, volume number (vol.), issue number (no.), article page range, DOI (Digital Object Identifier). 
  4. Unpublished sources ( thesis, manuscript etc) – To cite an unpublished material (thesis) accessed through a database,
    • Cite the name of the author, date and page number (Lee 2005, p. 65)
    • The bibliography details must be placed in the following manner: Author name and initial, year, thesis title, type of thesis (PhD, MA), institution, date accessed, from database name.
  5. Government publications – Even though you have referred government publications, you must cite such sources as well.
    • Cite the name of the sponsoring agency as the name of the author. (Department of Education, Science 1999)
    • Mention the name of the ministry that has issued the material. ( Department of Education, Science 1999, Annual Report 1998-1999, AGPA, Brazil)

However, if you have already implemented Harvard style in your dissertation but want to ensure that it is done in a right manner, consider hiring editors providing dissertation help service 

3 tips to beat procrastination and save your inundating PhD dissertation

November 24th, 2021 by

You may go weak on your knees just by the idea of writing the dissertation. To add more to this, how about folding the sleeves and getting ready to plunge into the writing process but you start twitching and your hands get paralyzed? Nothing can be more terrifying experience than this. More often, research scholars fall victim of a writer’s block (especially at crunch time). While there are various forms of writer’s block, most common ones include stress, anxiety, perfectionism, and procrastination. Among all others, procrastination is considered as the major writer’s block. Procrastination is nothing but putting off writing task unless it is too late. “Procrastinating is a vice when it comes to productivity, but it can be a virtue for creativity” – A Grant. 

Some of the reasons that lead to procrastination are:

  • Fear of failure –  If one is afraid that the writing isn’t going to turn out well, then he/she avoids working on it to circumvent that fear of failure.
  • Fear of success –  Some fear that if they will turn workaholic if they start working at their full capacity and envision hunching over the computer. Such kind of procrastinator assumes that by working hard they will turn cold towards people and lose their valuable relationship. 
  • Fear of losing autonomy – People who believe that ‘I am my own person’ delay the writing task just to have their control over the situation and to maintain their independence. 

Whether these fears arise from conscious or subconscious, it keeps you away from the course of action and paralyzes you at the nick of time. Are you one of the procrastinators? Do not mope! We have enlisted few proven hacks that can help you get back to work.

  1. Develop a mind map – This may sound a little crazy, but you can forge ahead without even writing a single word in your dissertation. This is done through mind map and the basic idea here is to organise the information visually. To create a mind map, first of all note down the subject, include its aspects around, draw a line for each piece of information and continue it by radiating outwards. 
  2. Cognitive restructuring – You might want your dissertation to look impeccable. But the truth is, a complete dissertation is the best dissertation. Your need not include perfect words in the very first time; you can go back and revise. Although leaving back the idea perfection is not easy, leaving behind this thought and completing the rough draft will help get through the writing task and relieve you from the writing pressure.
  3. Break it down – As per most experienced PhD dissertation consultants in US, it is advisable to break your dissertation into the smallest possible bits. By doing this, you need not worry about the gigantic dissertation. You can concentrate only on a piece of section and start writing it. Complete just one piece a day; there is no need to hurry if you are with the writing process in the early stage.

Tip: It is better to allot dates/deadlines for the completion of each section in a PhD planner sought of diary. The planner not just lets you record your queries, maintain the data collected you have collected, etc but also guides you in crafting each section and can serve as your greatest PhD writing coach. 

Top 4 challenges faced by a scholar while translating the dissertation

October 9th, 2021 by

Writing a dissertation is itself a tedious task; translating the written dissertation into some other language that you aren’t aware of is nothing more than a nightmare come true.  Many a time research scholars prefer writing their dissertation in the language they are well-versed with. But often Universities demand the research document preferably in the native language. However, due to the language barrier, this is proved to be a huge set-back for non-native speakers.  Although the research scholars give their best while translating their dissertation, they certainly face several challenges during the process, including:

  1. Language structure – As per the editors providing dissertation proofreading services, language structure is probably the most common challenge a scholar faces while translating his/her research document in any domain. When a scholar moves from one  language to a completely different/ even not so different, it can be very difficult to not just translate the words. This can create a jumbled result at the other end, and leave behind something that is not readable or is hard to understand. Hence it is always important to know why terms are worded in certain ways.
  2. Multiple meanings – Some native languages can create a headache for the scholar. Be it in English for that case or any other language, the meanings of a few words are quite different. This creates a problem for the scholar during the translation process. Consider this example: lead (metal) and lead (to go in front); here the words are spelt similarly but mean different things. If you have come across such words while translating your dissertation and are not sure if you have implemented the right word, consider opting for dissertation proofreading services.
  3. Compound words – Compound words are nothing but a combination of two or more words. Some of the words like underground, afternoon etc. reflect the exact meaning. But there arises a problem while translating words where the first work reflects the exact meaning but the second word doesn’t reflect the actual meaning. In other words, terms like bookworm, bellboy reflect only the partial meaning of the entire term.
  4. Missing words – It can be a scary prospect for a scholar to translate the research document into the target language with several missing words. While most of the languages have terms and phrases for the majority of the words, there are certain words and phrases that are either completely different or are missing from the target language. This causes problems for translators, who have to find a workaround for that particular word that just doesn’t have an equivalent word in the target language. Although this does not make translation impossible, but it does make it a more challenging task.

Although you have taken immense care while translating the dissertation, you may still have committed several grammatical, punctuation and other errors. Submitting dissertation with plenty of errors will lead to rejection at one shot. To polish your translated dissertation take help from the experts offering dissertation Proposal Editing and proofreading service.

How to Revise Your Dissertation Using Reverse Outline Strategy

August 24th, 2020 by

There are various techniques that can be adopted to improve the quality of a document. Out of the the many, one that is less popular but quite effective is reverse outlining.

Reverse outline is a technique that is created and used after the writing task has been accomplished. It is being used by seasoned writers, globally for the purpose of assessing the quality of their work.

Usually, the objective behind reverse outline is to identify if any paragraph is overlapped with multiple points and which amongst those points are relevant and whether any points are misplaced or redundant then they can be eliminated.

To begin the process of reverse outline, you take away all of the used supporting writing material and are just left with the main ideas of the papers which are at times represented by the topic sentences of your paper.

The reverse outline can be created in many ways and though, any kind  of outline can be considered appropriate the most commonly followed method is bullet points or the Roman numeral approach. It assists in creating a point wise structure of the content and gives you the platform to look at the main points of the document you have created.

Reverse outlining technique is not just helpful in reorganising the paragraphs but also helps in structuring of the entire work. When your focus is on the paragraph level, you need to figure out whether you need to combine, delete, move or insert any content from the paragraph to make it more focused and concentrated. On a larger picture, it helps to decide whether the desired argument is being created by the document or no.

Your effort of reverse outlining would be a success if by the end you have identified the direction and focus of the paper. You would be able to locate the gaps and the missing elements that could be breaking the flow. Further on, you would identify the redundant content that could be loading the content with unnecessary information or diluting the main focus of the topic. Next in line, after you achieve these important stages, you will be able to create more meaningful and shorter paragraphs that focus on one idea or similar ideas that make it simpler for the reader to understand what the writer intends to put across. To add to the aesthetic appeal of the document, you would be able to add symmetry to the length of the paragraphs so that neither are some paragraphs left too short or too long.

Importance of dissertation editing and how it can change a doctoral student’s life

July 24th, 2020 by

Dissertation papers have always been a fear for doctorate students. You may have all the knowledge and have scored great marks in assessments, but when it comes to writing a dissertation paper, it is like nemesis and you start fearing that it will go all wrong in the end. This is one paper that you would not want to make any kind of mistake. That is why it is better to get an outside view of how your paper has been done. This outside view is basically the editing service that is required for your dissertation paper. There are numerous things that need to be taken into consideration while writing a thesis paper such as headings, subheadings, chapters, graphs and so many other things. Moreover, the format of the dissertation paper has to be followed accurately. It may become difficult to follow all these things and it would be best if you get the paper checked by a professional before finally submitting it.
Get recognized for the best paper
Many students who opted for dissertation editing got departmental awards for their paper. The technique in which the papers are checked and corrected is unique. Each and every word is checked thoroughly and even the grammar and punctuation is corrected. Many students have also said that they have been called by committee members because they wanted to let the student know that their paper was the best from the lot.
Guaranteed approval
Your doctorate degree depends on the approval or disapproval of the dissertation paper. When you are opting for dissertation editing or writing service, you can be rest assured that your paper will be approved. The surprising part about this is, many students have also been rewarded for excellent paper submissions and those papers have been shown to future students as well. Such is the quality of service that you will get from the websites providing dissertation writing services.

When time is money
This is one of the biggest benefits of dissertation editing. You can save months by handing over the dissertation work to the professionals. Even if you have very little time in hand, you can get in touch with the editing experts and they would finish your work in time. You will find various websites that provide such services and there are hundreds of professional writers and editors who are ready to take your work and submit them way before the given deadline.

Protection of Others’ work used in your dissertation – A guide for PhD Candidates

June 8th, 2020 by

You need not obtain permission for those who work in the public domain, that is, works with no copyright protection or those with expired copyrights. Academic honesty, however, mandates that you acknowledge all sources in your dissertation, even those in the public domain. If you use copyrighted material in your dissertation, you must secure the permission from the owner to include it unless it falls under the doctrine of fair use, which allows limited reproduction of copyrighted works for educational and research purposes .This doctrine is rather complex and can have many interpretations. Miller and Taylor (1987) reported that most university style manuals permit “excerpts of up to 150 words, provided they do not constitute a major portion of the original works”.

If you believe that what you are using falls under fair use, you need not obtain permission, but you must cite the sources in footnotes or in endnotes and in references. Using copyrighted material in your dissertation without obtaining permission can be copyright infringement and is called piracy if you profit from it in any way. Both are serious infractions. Be sure to always obtain written permission from the author or permission from the author or publisher if you plan to use copyrighted material in your dissertation, such as tests, questionnaire, poems, figures, or other artworks, or large excerpts of books. Madsen (1992) explained the process for obtaining permission: 

Send the holder of the copyright – usually the publisher of the book or article – a simple form listing the work , the pages and lines you wish to copy and quote, and the title and the publisher of the work in which the material will be published . A form also should include a place for the copyright holder’s signature. 

This procedure probably will be necessary if you later decide to publish an article or write a book based on your dissertation . Should you wish to pursue more in depth information about the copyright law, refer to William S.strong’s (1998) The copyright book: A practical guide.

Best Dissertation Editing Services For Research Scholars

March 24th, 2020 by

Are you a research scholar pursuing a Ph.D. or thinking to take Dissertation Editing Services? 

Are you concerned about how good your dissertation or thesis will be? 

Are you worried about the deadlines that are associated with your university or college?
Do you think writing a dissertation or thesis is a manageable task?

Do you think the editing and proofreading part is essential and should be given enough time?

Do you think you have many responsibilities simultaneously when you are pursuing a Ph.D. or Masters?
Is dissertation editing services for Ph.D. Students important and necessary?

What are the consequences of not approaching for help?
Is thesis editing services for Master’s Students important and necessary?What are the consequences of not approaching for help?

We have an answer for all the questions that come in your mind as a student, we will first try and understand as to why editing and proofreading services are so crucial for your dissertation or thesis. 

Consequences of Ignoring the Editing and Proofreading part

If a research scholar ignores the significant part of editing and proofreading, there are high chances that the dissertation or thesis that they are submitting gets rejected as the reviewers will come to know quickly if the document was properly edited and proofread or not. 

What matters in pursuing higher studies is the confidence that students have on themselves and in cases where the paper gets rejected, it becomes difficult for the students to come back on track with the same energy level and confidence. The point here is why to give a chance to the reviewer to reject your paper when you can totally be sure about your paper and give it for submission too without missing any deadline.

Talking about deadlines, it is important that you maintain all the guidelines that are mentioned as per the rules and regulations of your university. These guidelines must be followed and the deadlines they give can’t be missed. We understand that when deadlines are on your head you might miss the important stage of editing and proofreading your paper. This is not going to help you at all because even if you submit that paper, chances are high that it might get rejected because of editing or proofreading errors. 

Every research scholar wants the document they submit to be so good that future researchers use it as a reference for writing their dissertation or thesis. Every scholar wants their paper to be published and cited a number of times. This is only possible if the scholars do the editing and proofreading part on their own or they take the help of editing services for dissertation and thesis.

Importance of Editing and Proofreading

As we understand how bad can the consequences be of ignoring the editing and proofreading part, now we will take a look at some points which prove the fact that editing and proofreading are important for your dissertation and thesis.

  • Editing and proofreading assure the reliability of your paper
  • Editing and proofreading assure the acceptability of your paper
  • Editing and proofreading will increase confidence in you while you submit your dissertation or thesis
  • Editing and proofreading will enhance the chances of your paper being published in one of the recognized journals
  • Editing and proofreading creates an impression and sets you apart from the rest of the research scholars
  • Editing and proofreading will make sure that your paper gets accepted in one go

The journey you are in is one of the most stressful journeys one can be in and hence taking help from services that can prove to be a boon for you becomes necessary. From where will you get that service is a question but we have an answer for that. 

We are here to make sure that you do well in the dissertation or thesis that you are going to submit, taking into consideration the format, language, style of writing, structure, grammar, punctuation, and everything related to editing and proofreading are taken care of by us. 

Language is one of the important aspects when it comes to our editing and proofreading service. The language should be readable and understandable for everyone who is going to read your dissertation or thesis. We take care of every aspect word to word and we make your content seamless.